夏威,男,漢族,湖北武漢市人,副教授,博士,博士生導師。現任伴侶動物系黨支部書記👩🏻🏫。河北省牛羊胚胎創新中心,河北省生豬創新體系高效繁殖崗位骨幹成員👲🏼。2009年本科畢業於華中農業大動科專業🕜。2014年博士畢業於中國農業大動物遺傳育種與繁殖專業🧜♀️。2017-2019年於美國普渡大學(Purdue University)動物科學系作博後研究;2014年-2021年西南民族大學生命科意昂4工作🧑🏻🎄。2021年3月作為“青年才俊”引進到意昂4任教。任中國畜牧獸醫學會繁殖學分會理事,國家生豬產業聯盟理事🍷,河北省遺傳修飾協會委員。以第一或通訊作者在CellRegeneration👩🏽🦰🧘🏼♂️、Journal ofDairyScience、Theriogenology、Animal Reproduction Science、IJMS🧊、Cryobiology、Journal of Reproduction and Development等雜誌發表論文15篇🧥;專利2項🤸🏼;參編專著1本🔨。
博士後:2017.12-2019.12 Purdue University動物科意昂4 肌肉脂肪發育方向研究;
博士🥞🧑🏿🎤:2011.9-2014.7中國農業大學 意昂4 動物遺傳育種與繁殖專業🫷;
碩士👲:2009.9-2011.7中國農業大學 意昂4 動物遺傳育種與繁殖專業;
本科:2005.9-2009.7華中農業大學 意昂4 動物科學專業。
(1)Liu B , Yan J , Li J ,Xia W.#.The Role of BDNF, YBX1, CENPF, ZSCAN4, TEAD4, GLIS1 and USF1 in the Activation of the Embryonic Genome in BovineEmbryos[J].International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023,24(22).DOI:10.3390/ijms242216019.
(2)Xia, W., Liu, Y., Loor, J. J., Bionaz, M., & Jiang, M. Dynamic Profile of the Yak Mammary Transcriptome during the Lactation Cycle.Animals, 2023,13(10), 1710.
(3) Fang X#,Xia W#, Li S, et al. SIRT2 Is Critical for Sheep Oocyte Maturation through Regulating Function of Surrounding Granulosa Cells[J].International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(9): 5013.
(4)Xia, W.,Qiu, J., Peng, Y., Snyder, M. M., Gu, L., Huang, K., ... & Kuang, S. Chchd10 is dispensable for myogenesis but critical for adipose browning.Cell Regeneration,2022,11(1), 1-15.
(5)Xia W, Osorio J S, Yang Y, et al. Characterization of gene expression profiles related to yakmilk protein synthesis during the lactation cycle[J].Journal of dairy science, 2018, 101(12): 11150-11158.
(6)Wei Xia#; Zhang Xiaoling#; Miao Kai; Wang Rui; Xu Jing; Guo Min; Wu, Zhonghong; Tian Jianhui; Zhang Xinyu; An Lei (*) Characterization and comparative analyses of transcriptomes for in vivo and in vitro produced peri-implantation conceptuses and endometria from sheep[J].Journal of Reproduction & Development, 2016, 62(3):279-287.
(7)Wei Xia#; Fu Xiangwei#; Zhou Guangbin; Xu Jing; Wang Liang; Du Ming; Yuan Dianshuai; Yue Mingxing; Tian Jianhui; Zhu Shien (*). Cytokeratin distribution and expression during the maturation of mouse germinal vesicle oocytes after vitrification[J].Cryobiology, 2013, 66(3):261-266.
(8) Fang Y#,Xia W#, Cai W, et al. Effects of TLR4 overexpression on sperm quality, seminal plasma biomarkers, sperm DNA methylation and pregnancy rate in sheep[J].Theriogenology, 2020: 368-375.
(9) Xia Chunmei#;Wei Xia#; Yang Sheng; An Lei; Li Xihe; Wu Zhonghong; Zhang Jiaxing; Wang Zhuqing; Tian Jianhui (*) Effect of antioxidant, supplementation on function and fertility of sex-sorted boar spermatozoa.Animal Reproduction Science, 2012, 136(1): 108-114.
(10) Yuan M#,Xia W#, Zhang X, Liu Y and Jiang M(*). Identification and verification of differentially expressed genes in yak mammary tissue during the lactation cycle.Journal of Dairy Research.2020,https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022029919001006
(11)Wei Xia*; Sijie Ye; Weibin Zeng; Qing Xu; Jie Zheng; Xiangdong Zi, Cytoskeleton Genes Expression and Survival Rate Comparison Between Immature and Mature Yak Oocyte After OPS Vitrification.Animal Biotechnology. 2017.10.16 15: 1-532 (2378)
(12) Xiaohuan Fang#,Wei Xia#, Hui Cao, Yanhua Guo, Han Wang, Xiaosheng Zhang, Pengcheng Wan, Chuang Liu, Qiaoli Wei, Shuchun Sun, Shujun Tian, Junjie Li (*) & Zhigang Wang (*). Effect of supplementation of Zebularine and Scriptaid on efficiency of in vitro developmental competence of ovine somatic cell nuclear transferred embryos,Animal Biotechnology, 2019, 31:2, 155-163.
(13) Qianqian Z#,Wei X#, Chuang L, et al. MicroRNAs are potential regulators of the timed artificial insemination effect in gilt endometrium[J].Animal Reproduction Science, 2021, 233: 106837.
(14)Wei X#,Qiaoli W#, Mingzhi L, et al. Effect of fixed-time artificial insemination on corpus luteum gene expression at the day 16 and 25 pregnancy of gilt[J].Animal Biotechnology, 2021: 1-9.
(1) Kun Tan, Lei An, Kai Miao, Likun Ren, Zhuocheng Hou, Li Tao, Zhenni Zhang, Xiaodong Wang,Wei Xia, Jinghao Liu, Zhuqing Wang, Guangyin Xi, Shuai Gao, …&Jianhui Tian (*) (2016). Impaired imprinted X chromosome inactivation is responsible for the skewed sex ratio following in vitro fertilization.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(12), 3197-3202.
(2) Peng, Y., Yue, F., Chen, J.,Xia, W., Huang, K., Yang, G., & Kuang, S (*). (2021). Phosphatase orphan 1 inhibits myoblast proliferation and promotes myogenic differentiation.The FASEB Journal, 35(1), e21154.
(3) Zhang, P., Xu, H., Li, R., Wu, W., Chao, Z., Li, C.,Xia, W., ... & Xu, Y (*). (2018). Assessment of myoblast circular RNA dynamics and its correlation with miRNA during myogenic differentiation.The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 99, 211-21